Download Flixster, with ticketing powered by Fandango - Available across iOS devices including iPhone and iPad!
Stay in the know with the latest movie news, discover movies at home, browse Rotten Tomatoes® scores, find the latest showtimes and guarantee tickets to the right movie at the right time with ticketing to more than 30,000 screens nationwide. Plus, sign up for our Fandango VIP+ loyalty program to buy movies and get movies.
GUARANTEE TICKETS & SKIP THE BOX OFFICE LINE: Get your tickets ahead of time to secure the best seats to the year’s biggest movies with reserved seating. Save time and skip the box office line when you scan your Mobile Ticket using your iPhone, with ticketing by Fandango.
BROWSE MOVIES + THEATERS: Get the latest movie news right at your fingertips, watch the latest trailers and browse Rotten Tomatoes® scores. Find nearby theaters instantly, save your favorites for easy access & view all theater amenities.
DISCOVER MOVIES: Movies don’t stop in the theater. Discover what movies are available at home and where to watch them.
PLAN THE PERFECT MOVIE NIGHT: Enjoy fast and secure checkout with Apple Pay. Easily split the tickets with friends and get paid back with PayPal or Visa Checkout. No more IOUs. If plans change, you can always refund or exchange your tickets. It’s no problem!
GET THE VIP TREATMENT: With Fandango VIP+ when you buy more, you get more. Every 4 tickets = $5 for you. No restrictions. No membership fees. Just rewards. It’s that simple. Plus, score extra VIP perks like free screenings, discounts and exclusive offers.
NEW EMAIL SIGN IN: Signing in to Flixster is now easier than ever! No password required. One email. One tap. You’re in!
Flixster’s partners are the nation’s leading exhibitors, including AMC Theatres, Regal Cinemas, Cinemark, Marcus Theatres, Harkins Theatres, and many other innovative theater chains and independent cinemas. Together, these exhibitors represent more than ninety percent of the nation’s theaters with online ticketing capabilities.
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